Getting Along With Your Guardian Boss
What clues can you use to see if
your boss might be a Guardian? Does your boss have a strong
sense of "normal" operating procedures? Does your boss emphasize points by using a chopping
movement of the hand or pointing a finger? Is your boss's posture a little more stiff than
flexible? Does your boss talk about or emphasize Rules and Regulations? Does your boss seek
security and predictability and respect for organizational hierarchies? If so, your boss could
be a Guardian.
Hot buttons for a Guardian boss are:
- Employees who don't take their work seriously
- Employees who break the company rules
- Employees who do not respect their position and follow order
Being successful with your Guardian Boss means paying attention to what your boss sees
as important and acting upon orders. If you disagree with a proposed action, talk
calmly about pros and cons for all actions. Guardians appreciate well-thought-out
comparisons. If your boss still insists upon the original plan, carry it out.
Going over your Guardian boss's head is considered an unforgivable offense.
If you are asked by a higher-up for a status report, give it, then immediately
repeat the conversation to your boss. Guardian bosses do not tolerate disloyalty.
There are four different kinds of Guardian bosses. The Guardian Supervisor is
results-oriented and decisive and has the little patience for listening to long
explanations. When talking to this supervisor, prepare ahead of time and make
the report concise and factual. The Guardian Inspector wants great exactitude
in work product and has little tolerance for errors. Double-check your work
before presenting it to this boss. The Guardian Provider feels personally
betrayed when co-workers are bickering and work is late. Work to solve any
problems so your boss can again take pride in the work-group being a
smooth-running team. The Guardian Protector fosters a climate of belonging,
and dislikes procrastination. Be sure you are seen as a person who works
hard and upholds the reputation of the work unit.
Guardian Supervisors and Guardian Inspectors are usually pretty direct in
their communication. Guardian Providers and Guardian Protectors are more
concerned with people's feelings and may be less direct, so as an employee
you may need to be sure you ask enough questions to find out what they are
wanting. Be sure to give them information in a timely manner about any potential
delays in getting work done. That enables them to deal with any consequences
and prevents embarrassment to all. Make sure you learn any applicable rules
and regulations and standard procedures and show respect for your boss. They
may not load you with praise, but you will gain their respect in return.